1788 – Area explored by Governor Phillip and named Rose Hill
1792 – Charles Smith granted a 30 acres lying on the North side of the Creek above Parramatta
1796 – First Gaol built on ‘Gaol Green’, now Prince Alfred Square
1800-1802 – George Caley, botanical collector establishes a botanical garden near the oval.
1800-1804 – Government Mill near the site of the Roman Catholic Orphan School completed.
1806 – Marsden acquires Smiths grant; Governor Bligh granted adjacent 105 acres
1806 – Marsden builds a watermill near junction Parramatta River and Darling Mills Creek
1813 – Samuel Marsden acquired 36 acres of land and named it as “Mill Dam Farm”
1816– Francis Greenway report on first female factory in Prince Alfred Square
1816 – 4 acres of Bligh’s grant allocated for Female Factory site
1817 – January: Macquarie places the construction of a new Female Factory building on the list of essential public buildings
1817 – March: Greenway given orders to do ground plans and elevations for the original female factory building
1817 – December: Major Druitt called for tenders based on Greenway’s plans and specifications
1818 –contract to build the Female Factory given to William Watkins and Isaac Payten. Later that year the Female Factory Foundation stone is laid by governor Lachlan Macquarie
1820 – Government Mill near the site of the Roman Catholic Orphan School demolished.
1820’s to 1830: A house constructed the land for Mary Betts nee Marsden
1821 – Second Female Factory designed by Francis Greenway was completed and occupied
1821 – Thwaites and reed turret clock installed in the new Female Factory building.
1823 – Governor Brisbane adds a two-story building in a separate yard to the north-west area of the Female Factory
1824 – Sleeping quarters for Female Factory 3rd class women built
1827 – Female Factory women riot breaks out
1828 – a pump and internal water system is installed at the Female Factory removing the need for women to go outside to get water. The height of the perimeter wall is also increased
1838 – Female Factory ‘3rd class gaol’ built with the help of the Royal Engineers under Colonel Barney
1838 – Samuel Marsden dies. His daughter Mary and her husband John Betts occupy this property
1839 – First purpose built Lunatic Asylum in NSW was opened. This was also known as Tarban Creek Lunatic Asylum (1838 – 1868)
1839 – Sisters of Charity arrive at Female Factory
1840 – Transportation to NSW stops
1840 – Work starts on Roman Catholic Orphan School
1841 – Assignment of convict women ceased to the female factory ceased
1844 – Roman Catholic Orphan School occupied
1846 – There is now only 250 women in the factory and the government begins to move asylum inmates into the precinct
1847 – An accident at the Female Factory caused by faulty workmanship seriously injuries two women in the building
1848 – Female Factory proclaimed a Lunatic Asylum. The administrative positions of the ‘female factory’ including those of matron had been abolished
1850 – The Female Factory Precinct officially becomes the Parramatta Lunatic Asylum
1852 – The first Surgeon Superintendent, Patrick Hill appointed to the Asylum. But is replaced in March the same year by Dr Richard Greenup
1855– The asylum acquired twenty-three acres from the Government Domain
1856 – November: 16 ft high wall separating the refractory women from the gardens falls down
1857 – Steam boilers were supplied to the Asylum to eliminate the need for a large number of open fire places. Work was also done on a number of walls and replaced with ‘slabbed fence’ and repairs were done on a number of roofs
1858 – The Asylum is given a total of 29 acres to the south side of the river and the land that would become Wistaria Gardens
1859 – Sisters of the Good Samaritan take over Management Roman Catholic Orphan School
1860 – Male shelter sheds’ are built and are used as a main dining areas and shelter. The larger of the two is known as the ‘Cricket Shelter Shed’ and is altered in 1933
1861 – Block of cells built for the criminally insane at the Asylum
1863 – A Female shelter shed is built used a mess hall
1866 – Purchase of forty-three acre ‘Vineyard Farm’ from George and Ellen Blaxland
1869 and 1871 – Temporary timber buildings constructed at the Asylum for the male inmates
1870-1880s – separate male and female timber wards were constructed at the start of a building program to make buildings more appropriate for an asylum. These were changed to bricks in the 1930’s
1870-1880s – Female Asylum Stores building is built this is designed by the Colonial Architects Office
1872 – Mrs Betts’ house was occupied by the Medical Superintendent of the asylum
1876 – Starting in 1876 the older buildings in the Female Factory were replaced with brick and stone buildings. The first being Wards 2 and 3 Male Asylum These had dining, dormitories and single rooms
1878 – A name change to Parramatta Hospital for the Insane
1880’s – Various ha-has are built to allow barriers but also continuous views of Parramatta River
1880’s – A cottage is built for the Assistant Medical Officers and is later used as Matron accommodation. Is named Pine Cottage
1882 – approval given to destroy 1838-1839 ‘Female Factory’ cells constructed by Governor Gipps
1881-83 – A kitchen block and sheds are built in the Female section of the Asylum. These buildings are altered in 1928 and 1943
1883 – William Cotter Williamson appointed
1885 – New ‘Institute of Psychiatry Building’ completed, uses sandstone blocks from 1838-1839 cells and incorporates original 1821 ‘female factory’ turret clock
1885 – Dining Block behind the Psychiatry Building was completed
1885-1886 – main ‘female factory’ building demolished
1886 – Orphan School vacated
1886-87 – a recreation hall and chapel is built as it is believed that they would benefit the patients. The building was not entirely completed until 1892
1887 – Roman Catholic Orphan School site occupied as Girls Industrial School (1887 – 1912) by Department of Public Instructions. It accommodated 160 to 200 girls at a time
1887 – The Official Visitors address a special letter to the Colonial Secretary dated the 10th July 1887 related to the grievous conditions at the Parramatta Asylum
1889-90 – Ward 4 is built by Manning and Barnet
1899 – A small gardener’s cottage is built with additions in 1910
Late 1890’s to Early 1900’s – there was a variety of building words completed on the site, including ‘Frangipani’ gardener’s cottage, nurses quarters, additions to the Wards and repairs to the Medical Officers quarters
1890’s – A Male Hospital and Day room is built
1890 – Ward 8 is built for the ‘wet and dirty’ incontinent patient
1892 – New kitchens are built
1893 – The Asylum at Parramatta begins to train mental nurses
1895 and 1897 – Additional patient wards (Ward 2) constructed. This building was added to and changed again 1905, 1938 and 1945
1900 – Dr William Cotter became Medical Superintendent
1900 – New Nurses Quarters, a two story building that consisted of sitting rooms, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms and verandahs. Added to in 1931 and becomes known as Jacaranda House
1901 – Nurses quarters building called Jacaranda House is constructed as well additions to Ward 4
1906 – New medical quarters (Glengariiff) completed. This house was called Wisteria House in 1964
1908 – A new Female Ward is completed, a long building with extended wings and verandah. Added to in 1933, 1962 and into the 2000’s
1909 – Male Ward no 7 is completed. Additions added in 1933 and 1964
1909 – A new Admissions block is completed with wards attached to it
1909 – A fountain is built near the main gates and moved in 1909 – (A rusticated fountain)
1910 – A new visiting and office block completed with the demolition of the old Female Factory entrance gates. This included a library and offices for various medical and administrative staff
1910 – A new Admission Block was also completed this year, with three dormitories’ and three day rooms as well as a staff dining room and kitchen. This was done by the Government Architects Office under the direction of WL Vernon
1910 – Wattle cottage built as what might have been waitress accommodation
1911 – The patients start a program of rehabilitation through gardening. At this time there was also a kangaroo park for the patient’s amusement. During WW1 these gardens provided the patients with vegetable
1912 – Parramatta Girls Industrial School was renamed Parramatta Girls Training Home (1912 – 1946) under State Children’s Relief Board. Parramatta Training Home was a house for girls charged with various crimes, who were on remand and not settled into foster homes. Parramatta Girls Training Home was accommodating girls as young as two years old until 1928.
1916 – The Hospital became known as The Mental Hospital, Parramatta
1920’s – Workshops are constructed for the electricians, carpenters, and plumbers who worked onsite
1920s – A number of patients were taken on outings and participated in cricket matches
1928 – A second Nurses Home is built on site
1929 – ‘Wistaria Gardens’ were opened to the public and crafts made by the patients were sold at a fete
1929-1932 – A low rustic style stone fence is built by patients along the Fleet St side entrance
1930’s – Both the Male and Female Weather Board Divisions were gradually replaced by brick buildings
1931 – Land was taken from the Asylum
1935 – TB ward constructed
1939 – A new Dining Room was built for the Female Hospital
1946 – Parramatta Girls Training School (1946 – 1974). In 1946 Parramatta Training Girls Home was renamed Parramatta Training Girls School. This school was closed in 1974 and replaced with Kamballa
1947-50 – Gungarra/Kalindyi buildings are constructed
1948 – Mrs Betts House/former Medical Superintendents House is demolished and Rebuilt as Building 68 – Gungarra. Same disposition and orientation of the earlier structure
1948 – New male sick infirmary ward (Ward 6) built
1950’s – A Sport Pavilion is built in the precinct
1954 – Total renovation of bathroom and toilet facilities and food storage is completed
1956 – A canteen later known as Harriett Ward is built. It was built with bricks from the Sydney Exhibition Building (1882), donated by the Royal Australian Historical Society
1956 – New cottage built for the Medical Officer
1960 – The Ward built for the criminally insane is closed with the patients then moved to Morisset Hospital. This Ward building starts to be demolished
1961 – Hay Girls Institution established as Girls Industrial School / Parramatta Girls Home annex
1962 – The Mental Hospital is named the Parramatta Psychiatric Centre
1963 – ‘Criminal Lunatic Ward’ is completely demolished
1963 – Glengariff/the Former Medical Superintendents house becomes a patient hostel and activity centre
1966 – Alterations made to Former Medical Superintendents House/Wisteria House to house drug and alcohol dependant patients
1966 – A new medical centre is built to service the whole precinct
1966 – A swimming pool which started construction in 1964 is opened
1967 – Saw the closure of all farm activity on the central campus with the closure of a piggery
1971 – Weather board Wards are demolished
1974 – Parramatta Girls Training School was officially closed
1975 – Parramatta Girls Home renamed Kamballa (1975 – 1983). Kamballa was established in 1975 by Department of Youth and Community Services. It was a training school for girls having emotional or behavioural problems between the ages of 15 to 18. Taldree Children’s Shelter was also housed in the same building from 1974 to 1980
1980 – Norma Parker Detention Centre established in former Parramatta Girls Home building
1983 – Kamballa was closed in March 1983. Its functions and residents were transferred to Minda Remand Centre
1983 – The complex was named the Cumberland Hospital
1989 – Cumberland Hospital is part of a $21.1 million redevelopment programme
1993 – A new Chapel is built in Wistaria Gardens
1995-1996 – Refurbishment and conversion of a number of buildings to house Information Services and Institute of Psychiatry
2003 – Parramatta Girls reunion
2017 – On November 14, the Female Factory gained National Heritage status, in recognition of the precinct’s ‘outstanding heritage value to the nation’. The Parramatta Female Factory Friends made this successful submission.
2018 – A Bicentennial event of the foundation of the Female Factory was held, with a commemorative wall established on the grounds.
2021 - A Bicentennial celebrations of Parramatta Female Factory - by the Parramatta Female Factory Friends with support from City of Parramatta Council. The commemorative wall will have 200 names inscribed on the wall.
Emma Stockburn, Research Facilitator, and Neera Sahni, Research Services Leader, Parramatta City Council, Heritage Centre 2015